When owning a device like an Apple Mac or a Windows PC, it’s important you regularly clean up its system to make sure it performs to the best of its ability. The longer you leave it before cleaning it up, the more problems that may crop up in the future and the harder they can be to solve.
By regularly performing simple checks, you’ll not only benefit from your Apple Mac performing quicker, but you’ll also notice that your applications run smoother and that your device itself will last longer.
Below we look into four simple but effective ways to clean up your Mac.
Uninstall apps you don’t use
Over time, more and more apps are installed onto your device, clogging up its memory. The apps that you installed a year or two ago, may not be used anymore, therefore are redundant to you. Instead of letting the apps slow down your computer due to the memory, it takes to store them, delete them.
If you are worried you may need to use them at a later date, you can always reinstall them when it comes to needing them again. With technology nowadays, installing an app is very fast.
Also Read: How to Select the Best Cleanup Software for Macbooks?
Delete large and old files
Just like the apps, you don’t use, the longer you own your Apple Mac, the more files that you will have downloaded and stored. The greater the number of files you have, the more of your Mac’s storage that it will take, slowing your laptop down. On a regular basis, go through your files and delete anything that you no longer require and is old.
If there is anything that you are not sure about, you can always move it to a backup hard drive or store it in the cloud. Order by file size as the larger the file you delete the more memory you will have back. Plus, it may be that some files you did not realize how big they are.
Clear your cache
The cache on your Apple Mac can build up over time and just like the other two points above, can slow down your computer. Every month or two, check your cache and if it seems too high, remove it. Check your Mac’s cache and the cache of the browser that you use.
You can delete it manually, or you can use an application like CleanMyMac X to scan and do it for you. When performing a scan, you will also be presented with any other potential threats that could be compromising your system like malware.
Clean out useless duplicates
We are all guilty of it, creating duplicates of a file instead of saving over the old one. The more you do this, the more storage it will take, especially if you are duplicating a larger file.
Depending on how you use your Apple Mac, this occurs a lot for graphic designers or photographers who want to keep different versions of their edits. Go through your folders and remove any duplicates that you do not need, be strict, and if you are worried about deleting something, store it in the cloud.
Get rid of programs that are draining the resources on your Mac
Although you might not realize it, some of the programs you are running on your Mac might use a lot more processor and memory than other ones.
In order to decipher the worst culprits, head to the Finder app and go to applications > utilities > activity monitor > memory > CPU. From here you can see how much memory each process is using. If you aren’t using that program be sure to close it down, ending the process.
This will help make your Mac run much faster and more efficiently. If you find that you need to use many of these programs a lot of the time, it could be a good idea to buy an external hard drive that you can add on and improve your memory.
Be sure to clean the outside of your Mac too
While we all know the importance of keeping the inside of our Mac clean, it is vital to remember that the outside needs to be cleaned regularly too. Over time, dirt and debris can get stuck in the mechanisms causing them to overheat and slow down. To keep the Mac running efficiently, use a soft, damp cloth that is sprayed with a screen cleaner and gently wipe the exterior.
To get rid of dirt and dust that has got caught in the keys or in the ports, use compressed air. This will help to gently blow it out without damaging the fans or any of the internal hardware. Untangle all your cables and make sure that while cleaning your Mac, no moisture gets inside of it.
Also Read: Top 15 Free Registry Cleaners For Microsoft Windows PC
Keep your Mac up to date
It’s vital that you don’t underestimate the power of updates to your Mac. We’re all guilty of de-selecting the pop-up that states we need to run updates, but while they can take a little time out of your day, they are well worth doing in the long run.
Updates will ensure there are no potentially harmful viruses or malware threats on your machine as well as tighten the security and reduce the risk of anything being able to get onto your Mac. As well to updating your Mac itself, it’s a good idea to keep other things on your device updated such as your internet browser and the Apps that you use.
These are just a few of the most effective ways for you to clean up your Mac. It’s important to take care of your Mac as much as possible, after all, we rely on our computers more than ever, so the longer they can last the better.
If you are looking for further help or advice, you can turn to a professional program such as listed above that can delete your junk and unwanted malware quickly, easily, and efficiently, saving you time and hassle.