Snow, Lights, Christmas decorations, and stocking hanging by the fireplace, everything will go as planned this festive season, but without your usual family gatherings. And under lockdown.
With Covid-19 still not under control, the Christmas celebrations have taken a backseat and left people to fend for themselves on their own, but how?
Nothing is the same anymore; how will we celebrate Christmas without family or people around us?
Sadly, we can’t change the law as per the regions, nor do we recommend breaking the safety barriers and going careless for one festival.
But we also do not suggest you disregard the whole day and not do anything to keep the Christmas tradition alive.
You can follow numerous alternatives to maintain your sanity and celebrate the day with your family or friends you are quarantining with.
Even if you live alone, these methods will most likely contribute to uplifting your spirit and help you get through the day without feeling isolated or depressed.
Decorate the House
Bring out the decorations and get your house Christmas ready. Start by thoroughly cleaning your home and getting rid of all the junk you have stored these months. De-cluttering will help untangle your mind and make room for the Christmas decorations you will set up. If you are on your own or live in a small space, you can order decorations online.
You can keep it lowkey by ordering fairy lights and a little faux Christmas tree for your place. Hang in tiny ornaments and bring out the best in your living space.
Virtually Decorate the Tree
If you are home away from home, you can set an online zoom call with your family and decorate your respective places together virtually. Give and take suggestions from others to personalize things. It is one of the ways to keep your family in the loop, so you don’t have to prepare for the day all by yourself.
Secret Santa within the House
Santa may be on leave this year, but that doesn’t stop you from becoming someone’s secret Santa. Pick a person and either buy a present for them or make a DIY gift and hide them around the house to make things exciting.
Involving in such activities and Christmas gift treasure hunt will hype things up if you have children residing with you. The holiday is all about food and presents for them, especially Christmas, to make the most of it through these small but memorable moments.
Find the Perfect Christmas Movie
Christmas eve is nothing without a perfect Christmas movie. If you are still lacking the holiday spirit, we suggest you gear up and select and Watch Disney Plus movies from their collection. Grap your eggnog or hot cocoa and dive into that popcorn tub as you prepare for a cozy Christmas movie night.
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Shop and Send Gifts Online
In-store shopping is a big no-no for everyone. Even if restrictions are low in your region and there is a huge sale going on in your local mall, it is still risky. Not only for you but the person you will be getting the present for. Go for online shopping. Currently, stores are conducting in-store and online sales both, plus you can find extra coupons online while signing up for the site.
These will give you further discounts on your products, plus you can get them directly packed and delivered to your loved one anywhere. How convenient is that?
Virtually Open Presents
While you may have done your shopping alone, you can share and open the presents you have sent and received with your families via facetime or video call. Not only will it make up for lost times, but you can also see their reactions to your gifts in real-time.
Collectively Prepare a Feast
This may be the only positive outcome of celebrating Christmas in lockdown, not having to cook a massive feast for your extended family. But if you do have family around, then involve them in creating a tasty meal for the night.
This will reduce the burden you may have, and it will keep you and the rest of the house engaged in the preparation of the feast. And honestly, nothing tastes as good as the meal you have prepared with your loved ones after a day’s hard work.
Spend Time Together
We shouldn’t even say anything about this one, but we will because we can. We understand sharing a living space is considered equal to spending time with the family, that all of us have done quite a bit these months. But this one is different, way different than just living together.
Christmas is about reawakening the family spirit of togetherness. Living together after so long can be difficult, but this season let’s forget about all that and rekindle the love that was present amongst your family from the beginning. Dedicate this day and the eve to your family, bring everyone together.
Self Care
If you live alone and are on your own for the festival, don’t be sad or discouraged. Instead, utilize the time on yourself and your space. Start the day by making a great breakfast and plan your day with all the things that you were avoiding.
This involves physical self-grooming, dressing up a little extra for the day. Get out of those PJs and wear your best Christmas clothes that you were saving for the event. Take care of your surroundings, complete your chores, get that pile of laundry out of your way, and get into the washer.
You will be surprised how getting rid of all those chores and making an effort to dress up, not only yourself but also the house will automatically help you start the day in a right and productive tone.
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Final Thoughts
The world is already suffering, and so are people. Christmas comes once a year, so make the most of it, not just for yourself but also for others. Donate as much as you can, let people know that this isn’t the end. Help those who have lost their loved ones by getting them back on their feet. Spread positivity.